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News Taipei City Government delegation visits SEEN for an international exchange

Taipei City Government delegation visits SEEN for an international exchange

Medicine | Tzu-Chi Foundation

News Young people embrace their youth to make a positive impact on society

Young people embrace their youth to make a positive impact on society

Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Short Documentary 2004, the life transforming year for the Phua siblings

2004, the life transforming year for the Phua siblings

Short Documentary I'll care for you as you did for me

I'll care for you as you did for me

Medicine | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Short Documentary 1993, the year Tzu Chi entered my life

1993, the year Tzu Chi entered my life

News What a surprise! My child actually washed my feet for me!

What a surprise! My child actually washed my feet for me!

Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Short Documentary 1999, Cross Border Medical Missions

1999, Cross Border Medical Missions

News Income Eco Run 2024: A Greener Future Begins with the First Step

Income Eco Run 2024: A Greener Future Begins with the First Step

Env. Protection | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Short Documentary 2009, the year we worked on the Seeds of Hope Programme together

2009, the year we worked on the Seeds of Hope Programme together

Short Documentary Remembering the Aroma of the Pineapple Tarts back in 2001

Remembering the Aroma of the Pineapple Tarts back in 2001

Vlog Do you often find yourself struggling to find the right outfit for outing?

Do you often find yourself struggling to find the right outfit for outing?

Miscellaneous | Tzu-Chi Foundation

News When it comes to helping people, would the kids choose chocolate or diapers?

When it comes to helping people, would the kids choose chocolate or diapers?


News An entrepreneur sparks waves of kindness through the charity sale of his artwork

An entrepreneur sparks waves of kindness through the charity sale of his artwork


Vlog Chinese people preparing for Hari Raya celebration? What is going on?

Chinese people preparing for Hari Raya celebration? What is going on?

Charity | Tzu-Chi Foundation

News Dentistry is a vast discipline, and dental assistants’ support is pivotal

Dentistry is a vast discipline, and dental assistants’ support is pivotal

Medicine | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Short Documentary Learn These Techniques and Bid Goodbye to Back Pain for Good!

Learn These Techniques and Bid Goodbye to Back Pain for Good!

Medicine | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Short Documentary SEEN hosts a 10-Day Vegetarian Workshop to promote meatless diet

SEEN hosts a 10-Day Vegetarian Workshop to promote meatless diet


Short Documentary We love you, dear child

We love you, dear child

Charity | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Video Series