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Duration | 2:08

Category | Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Tzu Chi makes quarantine easier for returning workers from China

The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, is a highly infectious virus. Around one third of the 5.7 million total population in Singapore are non-resident, among which, Chinese nationality is no a minority. According to local media dated 7 February, about 30,000 Chinese employees have yet returned to work in Singapore as they were back in China for Chinese New Year holiday. While those who have returned from China were successively issued a Stay Home notice. The order requires the affected person to avoid coming into contact with other people within 14 days. For security considerations, some of them could not return to their original accommodation temporarily. In order to settle these workers, the government has worked with dormitory operators to provide temporary quarantine facilities for them. Although basic living needs are provided and taken care of at these facilities, dormitory operator, Tommy empathizes with the uneasiness felt by these quarantined workers. Therefore, Tommy decided to work with Tzu Chi to comfort these workers emotionally through the Tzu Chi’s humanistic spirit.

COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease. To reduce the risk of infection through local transmission and from people entering Singapore, all citizens, permanent residents and permit holders who returned from China are required to comply with a Stay Home Notice that prohibits them from leaving their home. For that, the government has worked with dormitory operators to allow returning workers who cannot return to their own accommodations to spend their 14 days quarantine peacefully.

Dormitory operator, Mr. Oh :
There’s a locker for them to place their items. There are 14 beds, 3 bathrooms and 3 toilets in each room.

Dormitory operator, Mr. Oh :
We have been in this industry for many years, we know what the workers need, so we are providing them with the most basic necessities.

The well-equipped 400 bedded male dormitory also provides three daily meals and living necessities for the occupants. However, Oh hopes that the emotional needs of the occupants can be taken care of as well.

Dormitory operator, Mr. Oh :
To live here for 14 days, it is inevitable for them to be emotional, so we hope to make them feel at home by taking care of their emotional needs.

In view of this, a temporary settlement programme for returning workers is launched by Tzu Chi Singapore.

After doing some minor decorations, some human touch is added to the room with only beds and mattresses.

Dormitory staff, Yang Hong Liang :
You guys have decorated this place with some plants, books, and also Jing Si Aphorisms, all that has made the occupants feel less lonely when they entered the room.

Executive Secretary of Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore), Khor Chooi Kim :
The first five days of the stay is the first stage, where we settle them down physically. The second five days is to settle their mind. While the third five days is to settle down their life. We hope to interact with them and care for them, and be able to guide them in the future, so that they can also become givers.

During their stay, the occupants are showered with the love and blessings from Tzu Chi volunteers, which eases them of their worries.

Sub title:Workers who have served the quarantine order are returning to their daily life,
bringing with them the blessings from Tzu Chi.

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