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Duration | 2:32

Category | Medicine, Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Tzu Chi presents token of appreciation to TIMA members

In the face of a highly contagious COVID-19, healthcare workers overcome the hardship to do their best to help patients recover as soon as possible and return home safely. Under the instruction of the government, public healthcare workers are restricted to work within one medical institution to avoid cross-infection while private healthcare practitioners are advised to do the same. Due to the movement restriction order imposed on healthcare workers, Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) members are no longer able to volunteer at Tzu Chi’s medical establishments. To thank TIMA members for their contributions during the epidemic, Tzu Chi Singapore had prepared 145 blessings gifts and went to hospitals and clinics across the island to personally deliver the blessings to the members and motivate them.

Surgical nurse, Chua Siew Lee:All of us have to put on the PPE.

Dr. Ho Eu Chin:It is harder to breathe and you know the suits are waterproof so it is more uncomfortable.

Dr. Lee Lui Xiong:Because the epidemic situations in other countries such as South Korea, Iran and Italy are evolving, they may affect Singapore, therefore we must remain vigilant.

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, healthcare workers brave the storm to safeguard the lives of many at the frontline.

At critical times like this, healthcare workers are prohibited from working at different medical institutions to avoid cross-infection. Therefore, TIMA members are not able to volunteer at Tzu Chi Free Clinic. Despite their absence, they are not forgotten by Tzu Chi Singapore’s executive team and volunteers. A total of 145 blessings gifts were personally handed to hospitals and clinics throughout the island to cheer the TIMA members.

Tzu Chi instant rice, tea sachets and two apples to wish you health and safety

Dr. Kwong Seh Meng:(What you do) is very meaningful, I feel more uplifted, it is good that you all drop by suddenly this morning.

Dr. Ho Eu Chin:I think very touched, because as always, Tzu chi will show its concern, and will always be appreciative to those who help others, I think that is Tzu Chi’s way.

Lisa Chong, a retired nurse is part of the team. She was one of the healthcare workers who served at the frontline during SARS in 2003, hence, she can understand how the healthcare workers feel.

TIMA member, Lisa Chong:We worked around the clock every day. The public was panic because there were death cases, and people stayed away from healthcare workers as they were viewed as potential virus carrier. That is why I said we have to show our care and appreciation to our TIMA members. This love is like a wave that keeps moving without stopping.   

Love is present amid the epidemic, with love, we will win this battle against the disease.

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