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Duration | 1:54

Category | Miscellaneous

Spreading seeds of kindness through broadcasting

Part of the Temporary Settlement Program for Returning Workers is the broadcasting of a pre-recorded programme during weekdays and a live broadcast on weekends conducted by Tzu Chi volunteers at the temporary facility. By broadcasting beautiful stories and music, the foundation hopes to soothe the anxiety of the occupants. At the end of the 14 days quarantine period, Tzu Chi volunteers deliberately made a trip to the temporary facility to share with the returnees about Tzu Chi and give them their blessings.

Listen to your voices, and then you need to remain at this distance.

Anxiety is inevitable for these first timers who are recording their voices in a studio, however, Tzu Chi youths and volunteers are determined to do their best.

Tzu Chi volunteer
Smile when you mention the word “Gan En” (grateful).

Tzu Ching
Thank you for listening, Gan En (grateful).

Part of the Temporary Settlement Program for Returning Workers is the broadcasting of a pre-recorded programme to ease the anxiety of the occupants in the dormitory through sharing of beautiful stories and heart-moving music.

Hi, you are listening to a programme by Tzu Chi.

Founder of Playground Studio Ou Ke Xin:
It can help ease them a little, this is the very least we could do.

He has selected a song to wish everyone good health.

Besides pre-recording a broadcast programme, volunteers have also conducted a live broadcast during the weekend. This is Zhou Hai Yan’s first attempt in hosting a live broadcasting and she has done a great job.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Zhou Hai Yan
The occupants in this isolation dormitory do not know each other, I hope that everyone can express their care and gratitude through this live broadcast. This live broadcast also allows them to send their blessings after being quarantined for 14 days, where they can share their thoughts to people who do not know each other and care for others.

Hi, welcome. It’s been hard on you and now you are finally heading home. Are you happy? (Yes)

Giving is not the privilege of the rich, everyone can do it.

I find this quit meaningful, charity always reminds us to be grateful and help those in need.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Lim Chwee Lian
They have to declare their health condition whether they are travelling by ship or plane to reach Singapore, the whole process can be quite horrifying. So we are here to calm them down and let them know that Singapore is a warm society.

Stay safe, bless you all.

The gift pack is a blessing from Tzu Chi to wish them a safe return to work.


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