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Duration | 1:44

Category | Medicine

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Going meatless as a form of social responsibility

The worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March 2020 had resulted in many countries implementing border closures and movement restrictions to better control the movement of people. Staying home may be an effective way to flatten the curve of the pandemic, especially for patients with poor health. Medical staff at the Tzu Chi Lakeside Family Medical Centre (LFMC) in Singapore had handmade small cards to remind and educate patients with cold symptoms to fulfill their social responsibilities by staying at home to rest well. They had also taken the opportunity to persuade patients to change to vegetarian which is for the best interest of themselves and the environment.

The coronavirus situation continued to worsen in mid-March, resulting in many countries closing down their borders and implementing movement restriction orders. “Stay at home” is now the most commonly used phrase, every trip outside the house is a risk especially for people with poor health.

Tzu Chi LFMC Doctor, Dr. Ho Xin Qin
As a family doctor, we noticed there are patients who think that they can continue working as their flu symptoms were mild. So, we need to let them (patients) understand that the current situation is different from before. Instead of giving them a notice which many people might just dump aside when they got home, we gave them a usable small card with Jing Si Aphorisms to bless them speedy recovery and to remind them to isolate themselves so as to protect everyone.

Clinic Staff
Uncle, are you going meatless? Would you like to try some vegetarian food? (I will bring home and give it a try)

Besides handing out a gentle reminder card, medical staff and colleagues at the Tzu Chi LFMC also took the opportunity to promote vegetarianism and invite patients to adopt a meatless diet to save lives.

Tzu Chi LFMC staff, Chang Nyuk Mui
Even if I have only a few seconds, I would make full use of the time to try to persuade the patients to go meatless, because mother earth is already wounded. All living beings are equal, and I wish everyone can change their perceptions easily.

To save lives and stay healthy is our shared social responsibility.


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