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Duration | 2:11

Category | Education

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

School starts at Toa Payoh Great Love PreSchool

The second Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool in Singapore has started schooling! As the start of the schooling day coincides with the end of the Circuit Breaker, there are not many children attending classes. Teachers and students strictly abide by the pandemic prevention measures including wearing masks, maintaining a safe distance and practicing good personal hygiene. Parents agree with the education philosophy of Tzu Chi’s Great Love PreSchool, and therefore, some have purposely transferred their children to this school even if it means travelling far from home to send their children here.

Unfamiliar to the surrounding, a little girl cried in search for her mother while her elder sister is busy comforting her. 

The second Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool in Singapore has started schooling. However, amid a pandemic, the lively scenes where children were accompanied by parents when the school starts have been replaced by the existing pandemic prevention measures.

Preschool student Woo Yue Xi :We need to wear face shield to protect yourself.

Principal of Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool, Koh Yi Poh Audrey: The post circuit breaker new norm will be more vigilant about social distancing and observing proper personal hygiene. This is something that we will have to adapt to because of the safety of the children as well as the teachers

Preschool student Nicole Tan Jia Min :(Can you sneeze at your friend?) No. (Then what you do when you want to sneeze?) Cover your mouth.

Tzu Chi Great Love PreSchool has been operating in Singapore for 6 years, and its holistic education is recognized by parents. With a new branch in Toa Payoh, some children have transferred from the Yishun school to the new campus, some parents even travelled far from home to send their child to school.

Ter Soo Kiat Parent:  (What makes you decide to let him transfer to Toa Payoh centre?) We live in the south so obviously much closer than Yishun.The improvement we see in Eason my son is everyday in school, he come back he will learn something new. for example like he know 感恩,he really know how to do all these thank you, please at home now

Parent, Leo Siu Yin: I hope that she can learn to be independent with self-help skills acquired from Tzu Chi school, and I believe the teachers are able to provide the environment and the guidance for my child.

Quality education that emphasizes on character building should start from a young age. With kindness and love, children age 18 months to 6 will grow up healthily at our preschool.

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