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Duration | 1:28

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

“Stay Home Quilt” Project Open House

Tzu Chi Singapore is having a“Stay Home Quilt” Open House on every Sunday for four consecutive weeks beginning 20 September 2020. During the open day, members of the public can sign up to participate in the Tikar sewing activity. Upon completion, their fabric work will be combined with the exhibited Stay Home Quilt artwork. Through combining the collective creations by different community groups at different phases of the project, the project hopes to present the different stories of different individuals in Singapore to the visitors at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre. 

In order to collect the fabric materials to make Tikar, Tzu Chings went from door to door at HDBs.

Lim Jun Hong|Tzu Ching
I have never went door to door to ask for donations of clothes before. This is actually my first time. Basically it is very different cause you need to explain your project and what you are going to do about it. But after this stay home quilt project, it made me want to know more about what the migrant workers have been doing, like basically try to care for them more. And I would say how I can contribute basically is through putting more effort on this art project itself.

“Stay Home Quilt” is a community project. Through different phases of collective creations, it combined the patchworks by different communities in Singapore to be displayed at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre. 

Lin Shi Yun|Creative Director of 3Pumpkins
This Stay Home Quilt Open House is actually a celebration of a journey that we took in the past 7 months, to get members from different communities to come in and share their reflections. It is like an end, but it is also a beginning, so we are really looking forward to having more people to know about the work and join in the participation.

We hope to share the different stories of different individuals to visitors through workshops and exhibition of the final artwork.

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