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Duration | 2:22

Category | Education

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Award winning students aspire to pay the love forward

The Seeds of Hope Merit Awards Ceremony 2023 featured the bestowal of six awards, recognising 59 students from primary, secondary, and tertiary levels for their hard work in the past year. In the company of their parents, the students approached the stage with decorum to accept their awards. Parents were seen smiling as their children witnessed the progress of their children. These commendable students expressed their intention to utilise the prize money for purchasing stationery, assisting their families, and some even expressed a desire to pay the love forward through donations.

As soon as the music commences, the students slowly entered the venue to take their seats amidst the applause of their families and volunteers. At the Seeds of Hope Merit Awards Ceremony 2023, Koh Tian Fu, the double winner of the Academic Excellence Award and Co-curricular Excellence Award, was present to receive his award in the companionship of volunteers.

Seeds of Hope beneficiary, Koh Tian Fu

To try to make my parents proud. To help my parents not to stress that much while they work I feel happy and excited because I can pass the money to my parents to help pay (for) things

This year, the ceremony presented six awards, benefiting a total of 59 primary, secondary and tertiary students. Parents were happy and relieved to see the growth in their children.

 Seeds of Hope beneficiary, Prince Vishnu

(I get the) conduct award, (I am) very grateful to have an award, it shows that I have behaved.

 Parent, Richel

(It is) helpful, he can help me do the mopping. As a mother, I am very happy and grateful, giving us this opportunity to be here also// thank you so much

Parent, Erna

I can buy books and school uniform with this money. I am very grateful. He studies very hard, that is what I'm proud of.

Mummy I can self-study! Taking care of daddy is more important, I cannot leave daddy alone.

15-year-old Alicia was often seen wiping off tears on her face as the drama onstage was about her real-life experience. Winner of the Filial Piety Award for two consecutive years, Alicia hopes to spread the love she received.

Parent, Alicia

I am grateful, It makes me feel that I have done my part in helping my family with that situation. I just want to say that I am really grateful for Tzu Chi for their help so far. I am planning to donate this money to charity, and also help my parents (half of it) . I want to pay it forward.

There was a mixture of laughter and tears during the tea serving ceremony. The Merit Awards Programme was established to encourage students to realise their potential and expertise in various fields, and to light up their study path.

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