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Message from Tzu Chi Board Members and Management Team

Dear volunteers, donors and staff,

On behalf of Tzu Chi Singapore, we wish everyone health and safety during this trying period. May we stay committed to our missions and carry on with our daily routines.

Mixed public sentiments surfaced when the DORSCON alert level was raised to Orange. Addressing this situation, Tzu Chi Singapore steps up our outbreak prevention measures by establishing an Epidemic Relief Committee to gather our strength in handling changing circumstances and provide support for the community through the following actions:

Amidst the outbreak, many people stand by their positions and work tirelessly to safeguard the health and lives of the public as well as the safety of our nation. You are definitely one of them. For this, we express our deepest gratitude for your contribution.

Today, we may be dealing with the unknown, which is the time that calls for self-reflection. In the face of an outbreak which affects many people globally, we sincerely urge everyone to remain humble, vigilant and respectful.

To pull through this outbreak, Master Cheng Yen advises “To love one another” as discrimination and indifference will only widen the gap between people. Only with mutual trust, mutual love and appreciation can we keep the cycle of love going and strengthen our mind against all disasters.

Master Cheng Yen has repeatedly appealed to us to restrain our appetite for meat and to cultivate love for all living beings. According to media reports, the novel coronavirus was found to have originated from a market that sells wild animals in Wuhan, China. Similar to SARS in 2003, both viruses are related to the capturing and sale of wild animals. Adopting a meatless diet is how people can stay away from the source of the virus, and at the same time, show respect for life. Every day, more than 250 million animals are killed to satisfy human appetite. Massive livestock breeding, to meet the demand, pollutes the air and earth. Being a vegetarian not only helps to mitigate global warming, it is beneficial for our health.

Tzu Chi Singapore has launched a project "Warding off an outbreak with prayers of sincere piety". Internally, we shall continue to care for our volunteers and donors. For our care beneficiaries, our home visit teams will continue to assist and provide support to more than 700 needy families through phone calls and various initiatives. Distribution of items such as face masks, hand sanitisers and instant rice will be prioritised for the vulnerable groups. At the same time, Tzu Chi has set up an online platform to publish latest updates on outbreak prevention and encourage the spreading of positive messages. We strongly encourage everyone to send their well wishes and blessings to those working at the frontline through a digital message board.

Having been through the SARS outbreak together, we believe that the COVID-19 outbreak will soon be under control as long as everyone stays calm and works hand-in-hand. We need you to be part of our efforts to ward off the outbreak with sincere prayer. Let us seize the moment to pray for the purification of one’s mind, which will lead to a harmonious society and a world free from disasters.

Thank you and may you be well and safe.

Yours Sincerely,

Board and Management
Tzu Chi Foundation (Singapore)

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